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Mike's Photo Gallery!
Whittier, Alaska
November 2005
Whittier Alaska November 2005 Index
Whittier 001 - Seward Highway
Whittier 002 - Turnagain Arm
Whittier 003 - Turnagain Arm
Whittier 004 - Seward Highway
Whittier 005 - Alyeska Prince Hotel
Whittier 006 - Alyeska Prince Hotel
Whittier 007 - Waiting on the Girdwood side
Whittier 008 - Driving through the train tunnel
Whittier 009 - Inside the Inn at Whittier
Whittier 010 - Inside the Inn at Whittier
Whittier 011 - Inside the Inn at Whittier
Whittier 012 - Inside the Inn at Whittier
Whittier 013 - The Inn at Whittier
Whittier 014 - Weather vane
Whittier 015 - Whittier Cruise Ship Terminal
Whittier 016 - Whittier Harbor
Whittier 017 - Whittier Harbor
Whittier 018 - Whittier Harbor
Whittier 019 - Walking in Whittier
Whittier 020 - Walking in Whittier
Whittier 021 - Pedestrian tunnel
Whittier 022 - Anchor Inn Hotel
Whittier 023 - Abandoned fire station
Whittier 024 - Buckner Building
Whittier 025 - Buckner Building
Whittier 026 - Inside the Buckner Building
Whittier 027 - Inside the Buckner Building
Whittier 028 - Pet reindeer
Whittier 029 - The Inn at Whittier
Whittier 030 - Waiting on the Whittier side
Whittier 031 - Waiting on the Whittier side
Whittier 032 - Waiting on the Whittier side
Whittier 033 - Traffic coming through
Whittier 034 - Waiting on the Whittier side
Whittier 035 - Young bald eagle
Whittier 036 - Young bald eagle
Whittier 037 - Bald eagles
Whittier 038 - Bald eagles
Whittier 039 - Bald eagle
Whittier 040 - Bald eagles
Whittier 041 - Bald eagle taking off
Whittier 042 - Bald eagles