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Miraflores Locks, Panama Canal

April 2009

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Miraflores Locks Panama Canal April 2009 Index

Miraflores Locks 001 - Crossing Miraflores Lake
Miraflores Locks 002 - Gazebo with a great view
Miraflores Locks 003 - First of two Miraflores Locks
Miraflores Locks 004 - Three sailboats tied together
Miraflores Locks 005 - Guided into the canal by a tug boat
Miraflores Locks 006 - Large arrow
Miraflores Locks 007 - Workers just brought cables over
Miraflores Locks 008 - Preparing to connect cables
Miraflores Locks 009 - Northern entrance
Miraflores Locks 010 - Heavy rain begins
Miraflores Locks 011 - Heavy rain begins
Miraflores Locks 012 - Miraflores is composed of two locks
Miraflores Locks 013 - Taking cover
Miraflores Locks 014 - We are moving into position
Miraflores Locks 015 - Planta Termoeléctrica hydroelectric dam
Miraflores Locks 016 - Service bay for the mules
Miraflores Locks 017 - Planta Termoeléctrica hydroelectric dam
Miraflores Locks 018 - Mule service station
Miraflores Locks 019 - Mule service station
Miraflores Locks 020 - Three sailboats tied together
Miraflores Locks 021 - Smaller boats save money
Miraflores Locks 022 - New Orion ship in the locks
Miraflores Locks 023 - Miraflores Locks operations center
Miraflores Locks 024 - Miraflores Visitor's Center
Miraflores Locks 025 - Planta Termoeléctrica hydroelectric station
Miraflores Locks 026 - Planta Termoeléctrica hydroelectric station
Miraflores Locks 027 - City of Knowledge business and technology park
Miraflores Locks 028 - Three sailboats go through the locks
Miraflores Locks 029 - Miraflores Locks control tower
Miraflores Locks 030 - Old mule on display
Miraflores Locks 031 - We are being cheered on
Miraflores Locks 032 - Line shooting practice area
Miraflores Locks 033 - Workers guide the three sailboats
Miraflores Locks 034 - First Miraflores lock
Miraflores Locks 035 - Moving into the second lock
Miraflores Locks 036 - New Orion ship moving
Miraflores Locks 037 - New Orion ship advancing
Miraflores Locks 038 - Bridge that can rotate
Miraflores Locks 039 - Ship in the lock parallel to ours
Miraflores Locks 040 - Rotating bridge
Miraflores Locks 041 - How the bridge rotates
Miraflores Locks 042 - Exiting from the Miraflores Locks
Miraflores Locks 043 - The sailboats split up
Miraflores Locks 044 - Norwegian Pearl departing
Miraflores Locks 045 - Departing Miraflores Locks
Miraflores Locks 046 - Looking back at Miraflores Locks
Miraflores Locks 047 - Departing Miraflores Locks
Miraflores Locks 048 - Between Miraflores Locks and Bridge
Miraflores Locks 049 - Drilling ship Yuan Dong 007
Miraflores Locks 050 - Between Miraflores Locks and Bridge
Miraflores Locks 051 - Tug boat leaving our side
Miraflores Locks 052 - Variety of ships near the canal
Miraflores Locks 053 - Dredging ship Vlaanderen XIX
Miraflores Locks 054 - Container ship loading area
Miraflores Locks 055 - Heading toward the Bridge of America
Miraflores Locks 056 - Container ship loading area
Miraflores Locks 057 - Bridge of the Americas
Miraflores Locks 058 - Container ship loading area
Miraflores Locks 059 - Passing under the Bridge
Miraflores Locks 060 - We are now at the southern end
Miraflores Locks 061 - View of Panama City
Miraflores Locks 062 - View of Panama City
Miraflores Locks 063 - View of Panama City
Miraflores Locks 064 - Fishing pier on the Amador Causeway
Miraflores Locks 065 - Naos Harbour Island apartment building

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