Iceland Day 7 September 2015

Fjarđará Lagoon

Looking across the Fjarđará Lagoon in Seydisfjordur.

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Old Apothecary guesthouse

The blue building is The Old Apothecary guesthouse.

Hótel Snćfell

Looking across the lagoon toward the Hótel Snćfell.

Another view

Another view across the lagoon.

Eastern part of town

And again, toward the Eastern part of town.

Church in Seydisfjordur

Church in Seydisfjordur.

Historical building

Historical building.

Interesting artwork

Interesting artwork on the side of this building.

Ferry dock

House out near the ferry dock.


Another view of the Norröna, the Smyril Line ferry to Denmark.

Some daisies

Some daisies at the marina.

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