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Iceland Day 7
September 2015
Iceland Day 7, September 2015 Index
Iceland Day 7 001 - Lake Mývatn with a volcanic cone
Iceland Day 7 002 - Time to explore the Namafjall geothermal area
Iceland Day 7 003 - Dad exploring a steam vent
Iceland Day 7 004 - Boiling mud pools at the Namafjall geothermal area
Iceland Day 7 005 - Huge boiling mud hole
Iceland Day 7 006 - Back on the road heading East on Route 1
Iceland Day 7 007 - Fabulous fall colors in this small area
Iceland Day 7 008 - Here is the turnoff to Route F88 that we took yesterday to explore the interior
Iceland Day 7 009 - The Jökulsá á Brú River bridge
Iceland Day 7 010 - Entering the Municipality of Norðurþing
Iceland Day 7 011 - A narrow row of mountains runs North and South
Iceland Day 7 012 - A stream runs West of the road
Iceland Day 7 013 - Route 1 just went East through a mountain pass
Iceland Day 7 014 - There is very little vegetation in this area
Iceland Day 7 015 - Heading into a valley three miles West of the Eastern intersection with Route 85
Iceland Day 7 016 - Intersection of the Ring Road with the Eastern end of Route 85
Iceland Day 7 017 - Impressive mountain with clouds trying to get over the top
Iceland Day 7 018 - We once again get to see the Jökulsá á Brú River, same river as we followed in the interior
Iceland Day 7 019 - Waterfall coming off the hills on the North side of Route 1
Iceland Day 7 020 - There is a road on the far side of the Jökulsá á Brú River
Iceland Day 7 021 - Bridge over the Jökulsá á Brú River
Iceland Day 7 022 - Looking down on the Jökulsá á Brú River from the bridge
Iceland Day 7 023 - Looking Southeast on Route 1
Iceland Day 7 024 - Continuing Southeast on Rout 1, twelve miles out of Egilsstaðir
Iceland Day 7 025 - The Lagarfljót river bridge
Iceland Day 7 026 - The intersection with Route 92 which we will get on shortly
Iceland Day 7 027 - Icelandair Hotel in Egilsstaðir
Iceland Day 7 028 - We got a bit lost in Egilsstaðir looking for Route 93
Iceland Day 7 029 - Whale coming up for a breath of air
Iceland Day 7 030 - Egilsstaðir from above
Iceland Day 7 031 - We are climbing up, now at altitude 520 meters
Iceland Day 7 032 - Heiðarvatn Lake at 615 meters altitude
Iceland Day 7 033 - Descending toward the town of Seydisfjordur
Iceland Day 7 034 - There is a pullout at the top of the valley next to the Fjarðará River
Iceland Day 7 035 - The Fjarðará River
Iceland Day 7 036 - The Fjarðará River carved these rocks smooth
Iceland Day 7 037 - The rocks are worn smooth
Iceland Day 7 038 - Nice green hills
Iceland Day 7 039 - Two miles away from Seydisfjordur
Iceland Day 7 040 - The Hótel Aldan in Seydisfjordur
Iceland Day 7 041 - Smyril Line ferry Norröna
Iceland Day 7 042 - Classic fishing boat
Iceland Day 7 043 - Looking across the Fjarðará Lagoon in Seydisfjordur
Iceland Day 7 044 - We ate lunch on a rock causeway at the marina
Iceland Day 7 045 - Time to leave Seydisfjordur the only way out
Iceland Day 7 046 - Starting the descent toward Egilsstaðir
Iceland Day 7 047 - Now we are heading South on Route 92 two miles out of Egilsstaðir
Iceland Day 7 048 - Continuing South through the valley on Route 92
Iceland Day 7 049 - After Route 92 turns East we get a good look at the next fjord, Reyðarfjörður
Iceland Day 7 050 - The town of Reyðarfjörður is straight ahead
Iceland Day 7 051 - Route 96 goes a short distance on the side of the fjord before entering a tunnel
Iceland Day 7 052 - After a 6 kilometer trip through the mountain tunnel we emerge in sight of the next fjord
Iceland Day 7 053 - As with the previous fjord, here both the town and fjord are named Fáskrúðsfjörður
Iceland Day 7 054 - Route 96 goes along the Southwest shore of Fáskrúðsfjörður fjord
Iceland Day 7 055 - Fabulous scenery as we continue on the Southern coast of Fáskrúðsfjörður
Iceland Day 7 056 - We have reached the end of this peninsula and are now heading Southwest
Iceland Day 7 057 - Part of the Lönd I farm
Iceland Day 7 058 - Approaching the small town of Stöðvarfjörður
Iceland Day 7 059 - Back on the road West into Stöðvarfjörður
Iceland Day 7 060 - Continuing West from Stöðvarfjörður we admire the mountains of Kirkjuból
Iceland Day 7 061 - Crossing to the Southern side of Stöðvarfjörður fjord
Iceland Day 7 062 - Green mountain shrouded by clouds
Iceland Day 7 063 - Looking Southeast out into the Norwegian Sea
Iceland Day 7 064 - We are back on Route 1 now, crossing the Western end of Breiðdalshreppur Bay
Iceland Day 7 065 - Spectacular mountains near Os
Iceland Day 7 066 - Heading Southwest in the fog on Route 1
Iceland Day 7 067 - Impressive unnamed watefall
Iceland Day 7 068 - Continuing West on Route 1
Iceland Day 7 069 - Great house in a beautiful setting
Iceland Day 7 070 - The town of Berufjörður is located at the end of the fjord
Iceland Day 7 071 - Neat hills on the side of the fjord
Iceland Day 7 072 - Causeway across a bay
Iceland Day 7 073 - From here we can see to the top of Búlandstindur mountain
Iceland Day 7 074 - The Djúpivogur lighthouse sticking above a rock
Iceland Day 7 075 - The Hotel Framtid is on the right
Iceland Day 7 076 - We leave Djúpivogur and head West on Route 1
Iceland Day 7 077 - The colorful West end of Hamarsfjordur fjord
Iceland Day 7 078 - Looking toward the other side of the bay
Iceland Day 7 079 - Large mountain 2 miles South of us
Iceland Day 7 080 - Orange lighthouse on the Southern tip of this peninsula
Iceland Day 7 081 - Farm in Reydhara
Iceland Day 7 082 - Bridge over the Jökulsá i Lóni River
Iceland Day 7 083 - After crossing the Jökulsá i Lóni River we return to the coast
Iceland Day 7 084 - I don't know why this tunnel exists
Iceland Day 7 085 - We will turn left here to make the four mile journey to Höfn
Iceland Day 7 086 - As you can see, we are driving down Kirkjubraut Street
Iceland Day 7 087 - And here is our hotel, the Guesthouse Hvammur